Mid Grey / Neutral Grey / 18% Grey / Munsell N5


De stippen hieronder hebben dezelfde kleur

Seriously, colourpick now!

Our optical system is amazingly adaptive. Your brain compensates for color to a white balance. If there is a lot of blue in your field of vision, your brain balances this by adding the opposite color. This makes the block in the blue area appear grayer than it actually is.

Imagine that dot is your calibrated monitor. That's why those skin tones look so unhealthy!

Whether you work in film, photography or graphics, you will only deliver the best results if you perceive colours correctly. A neutral working environment takes your work to the next level.


Want to gain even more control over your perception?

Learn it in our blog

Nóg meer controle over je kleurwaarneming?

Waarom niet gewoon verf mengen bij de bouwmarkt?

Leer het in onze blog

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